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Toskania <-> Gdańsk


Education System


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             The aim of this project is to learn about the Italian and Polish culture facing also problems regarding  the integration of different people inside the EU. This should let us be able to start and  facilitate an exchange between the two cultures. Another important aim is to strengthen the students’ knowledge of the English language used as the means of communication in this project and introduce them to the practical usage of both Italian and English as a common tool of interpersonal communication.

             We also want to work out plans suitable to establish links between our schools and students in order to let them find out more about their cultures, local realities, the territory and their needs. We want to make our pupils conscious that ...’Europe is a continent that has brought forth civilization, that its inhabitants, arriving in successive waves from earliest times, have gradually developed the values underlying humanism: equality of persons, freedom, respect for reason’.

             Our aim is also to let the school world understand the necessity of an aid to develop the Union into a stabilising factor and a model in the new world order. The main aim of this project is to learn about the Italian and Polish cultures facing also problems regarding the integration of different people inside the EU and examining the reasons of a greater and greater mobility. The students will compare the two civilizations from a historical point of view supported by cultural visits. Similarities and differences will be analysed through investigation about music, matching on prices and life costs, indicators of the quality of life for young people, trade and tourist flows.

             Meetings with organizations taking care of the problems of racism and xenophobia will be held. Another important aim is to reinforce the knowledge of the English language as a means of communication. The material will be made up of interviews, questions and answers, written and oral reports, CDs, a homepage.