
Our school

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Toskania <-> Gdańsk


Education System


About us


General Info

Our school is democratic and receptive to new ideas. Partnership and kindness are the most important for us. Our students have high self-esteem, but at the same time they do not violate others freedom or dignity. The official name of our institution is Zespól Szkól Ogólnokształcących Nr 5, which is actually set of two schools: lower secondary  school (Gimnazjum Nr 34) and upper secondary school (IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące). There are 850 students and 85 teacher altogether. Young people in our school learn how to be independent and how to cooperate in a group.

They know and cherish our national and local traditions being fully aware of their citizenship in the European Community.

Our school takes part in European projects:

  • Youth Programme – dance school – ‘Break Dance’
  • Spring in Europe – on-line chats with politicians and journalists
  • E-twinning net – online cooperation with other European schools

Our school educates future successful citizens of a modern society – responsible, active and creative. Our students study two or three foreign languages: English, French, German, French, Russian, Swedish and Latin. We also provide our students with cultural and historical backgrounds of particular countries during culture classes prepared for particular language regions.

We also cooperate with a German – Polish Youth Office and organize exchange visits to Germany for the students from:

  • both our schools
  • members of the theatre groups
  • members of sports classes to take part in international tournaments

There are two theatre groups active in our school:

- upper secondary school theatre group – ‘Teatr oko, biel, czerń’, which has been selected as one of three Polish theatres to represent our country at the 7th International School Theatre Festival in San Remo, Italy

- lower secondary school theatre group – ‘Wyobraźnia na talerzu’ – which is quite successful when taking part in local and national theatre festivals

All of the members of the theatre groups can rehearse and present their plays in a special theatre room with 120 seats for the spectators.

Our students are also interested in astronomy and robotics. For the last three years they have been not only creating and programming robots, but also organizing and taking part in national robotics competitions. There is a room designed for the robotics classes and three computer rooms to make these young constructors’ dreams come true.



ul. Na Zaspę 31 A

80-546 Gdańsk – Nowy Port


Phone:       (+48 58) 343 13 06,  343 07 73,  343 20 59
Fax:           (+48 58) 343 13 06 / 28

Cordinator: Dorota Suchacz kom. 0048 0501681011

Administrator's mail: Michael Suchacz